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LeadGen Founders


Bohdan Voloshyn

Certified Google Ads specialist in:
● display advertising;● search advertising;● YouTube video ads.
Google Analytics certified specialist.


Julia Protashchik

Targeting specialist in:
● Facebook;● Instagram;● LinkedIn.
SMM specialist.


We are constantly learning, professionally growing and mastering new skills

Thus, giving our clients the opportunity to work with professionals who are always on the cutting edge of trends and innovation in the online marketing world


Activities that we recently visited:

    Digital Marketer HQ Course
    DotCom Secrets by Russell Brunson
    «Facebook & Instagram advertising 2.0. PRO» by Median Ads Agency
    PPC Pro course by WebPromoExperts
    Video advertising course by AIR
    Robert Kraven's workshop (Google Partner Academy)
    Vache Davtian's workshop (Google Partner Academy)
    SMM Workshop by Setters
    Video People
    SUP (UUE) Forum Day 2018 and many others.
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